
January 6th Anniversary Meeting

Last month I had the distinct honor of meeting many of the Dream Scholars from the inaugural class of 2013 to this year’s group. I was inspired by their stories of adversity and triumph, and their undying love for learning English. They said time and again that, as Dream Scholars they felt like “family”. I’m so glad the Dream Scholarship remains strong!



2018 Dream Scholars

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Congrats to Lucero Barragan, Daniela Espinosa, Anellys Chepote, Anthony Credidio, Laura Villareal, Keana Tomlinson, and Prof. Ricardo Fuentes as the 2018 Dream Scholars!  They are currently at Murray State University studying English and ESL methodology.  Stay tuned for more developments when they return!

¡Felicidades a Lucero Barragán, Daniela Espinosa, Anellys Chepote, Anthony Credidio, Laura Villareal, Keana Tomlinson y al Prof. Ricardo Fuentes como los Dream Scholars de 2018! Actualmente se encuentran en Murray State University estudiando inglés y metodología de ESL. Estén atentos para más desarrollos cuando regresen!




Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Hoy marca el cumpleaños de una gran persona en la historia de los derechos civiles de los afroamericanos en los Estados Unidos.  Si Martin Luther King, Jr. no fue asesinado en el funesto día de 4 de abril, 1968, hubiera cumplido 89 años hoy.  Fue un hombre valiente, que no tuvo miedo de defender su pueblo, aun si significó arriesgar la vida por ello.  Tuvo un sueño que sus hijos y los hijos de siguientes generaciones “no fueran juzgado por el color de su piel sino por el contenido de su carácter.”  Es justamente esa razón por la cual existe la Dream Scholarship. Ahora en su quinto año de existencia, la DS continúa a proveer a los estudiantes panameños más humildes el chance a estudiar en EEUU, y les inspira a usar su conocimiento a ayudar a su prójimo, así como hizo el mismo MLK.  Pues, en ese día, con el fin de honrar el hombre influyente, que haga una donación a nuestra causa hoy:

Today marks the birthday of a great person in the history of civil rights of African Americans in the United States.  If Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t assassinated on that fateful day in April 4th, 1968, he would be 89 years old today.  He was a brave man who wasn’t afraid of standing up for his people, even if it meant risking his life for them.  He had a dream that his children and the children of subsequent generations “were not judged by the color of their skin, but by the contents of their character.”  It is exactly this reason that the Dream Scholarship exists.  Now in its 5th year of existence, the DS continues to provide to humble Panamanian students the chance to study in the U.S., and inspires them to use their knowledge to help their fellow people, just like MLK did.  So, on this day, in order to honor the influential man, please make a donation to our cause today:



New Dream Scholars Chosen for 2018

So happy that on the week of the 54th anniversary of Martin Luther King's March on Washington, we have chosen the new generation of Dream Scholars, 2018. Thank you to the University of Panama, Fulbright Association of Panama, the U.S. Embassy, and Banco General for your continued support to making young dreams come true!

Muy contento que durante la semana del 54to aniversario de la marcha a Washington de Martin Luther King, escogimos la nueva generacion de los Dream Scholars, 2018. Muchas gracias a la Universidad de Panama, la Asociacion Fulbright de Panama, la Embajada Americana, y el Banco General por su constante apoyo en realizar los suenos de los jovenes!

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Dreams Realized: Estibalis Espinoza

Since my dream of being a Dream Scholar came true (2015), I supported the next dreamers and shared all my experience with some high school students, not only to encourage then to continue studying English, but also to show them that whenever we have A DREAM we should pursue it like a non-stopping heart.  Also, I finished my B.A. in English.

Later, in 2016, I worked as elementary teacher for a private school and I got the great opportunity to start my Master degree in Higher Education at the University of Panama. It's not easy, but with God´s help I know I can do it.  I'm also working as teacher for a government school.
